Turn To A Dedicated And Effective Cleveland Bicycle Accident Lawyer
Scott M. Kuboff, Esq. is an avid cyclist and a Cleveland bicycle accident lawyer with the law firm of Ibold & O’Brien who helps his cyclists receive fair and just compensation for injuries sustained while riding their bicycles.
Although many communities have been welcoming cyclists with the addition of designated bike lanes, sharrows, and other bike-friendly amenities, and despite the passage of Ohio House Bill 154 (3-Foot passing law), cyclists still must navigate roadways along with motor vehicles. This can be intimidating for a new or young rider and is no less dangerous for an experienced cyclist. Throw in deteriorating roads, debris, defective products, occasional appearances of dogs, or the sketchy rider in the group ride and a simple bike ride can be a precarious activity.
Serious, Severe And Fatal Injuries
While most bicycling accidents leave cyclists with some bruises and road rash, unfortunately, too often, there are painful reminders of the vulnerability of riding your bicycle, as some accidents result in catastrophic, life-threatening and fatal harm.
As an accomplished Cleveland bicycle accident attorney and cyclist, Scott M. Kuboff will tirelessly work on your behalf to hold the negligent driver accountable. He will protect your interests after you have been injured in any of the most common causes of bicycle vs. car accident scenarios, such as::
- “Right hook” – Driver passes the cyclist and immediately turns right into the path of the cyclist
- “Left cross” – Driver travels toward the cyclist and makes a left turn into the path of the cyclist
- Getting “doored” – Passing a parked car as the driver opens the door
- Cars passing immediately before red lights or stop signs and slamming on brakes
- Passing in curves or double yellows or with oncoming traffic
- Failing to stop or running a red light
- Failing to signal or yield the right of way
- Improper backing
- Driver fatigue or distracted driving, such as texting while driving
- Drunk driving (responsible for 31% of all traffic fatalities)
If you were injured as a result of a negligent driver, be reassured that lawyer Scott M. Kuboff, Esq., a Cleveland bicycle accident attorney, has the experience and skills necessary to investigate and diligently develop your case to maximize your potential monetary recovery. This includes interviewing witnesses and obtaining statements; compiling all medical records, medical billings and lost wage verification; consulting with expert witnesses; and interacting with insurance companies.
As an experienced and knowledgeable Cleveland bicycle accident attorney, Scott can guide you throughout the process from opening the claim to prelawsuit settlement discussions and through trial and appeals if necessary. He has experience negotiating and litigating car accident claims with major insurance companies, including Allstate, Auto-Owners, Erie, Farmers, Geico, Grange, Liberty Mutual, Nationwide, Progressive, State Farm, Westfield and others.
Scott’s representation of car accident victims is on a contingency basis, meaning you will pay no attorney fees unless he recovers for you.
Choose An Accomplished Cyclist As Your Cleveland Bicycle Accident Attorney
Not only is Scott a top-rated Cleveland bicycle accident attorney, but he is also an avid cyclist who has been competitively racing his bicycle and sponsoring Northeast Ohio cycling teams since 2009. Scott is a Cat III cyclocross and a Cat IV road cyclist under USA Cycling License #298848. He is a member of Bike Cleveland, Shaker Cycling and a co-founder of North Coast Cycling. Scott loves supporting the MS Society by participating in the MS 150 with “Team Cutters” and is a volunteer course marshal for Velosano.
If you have sustained an injury in a bicycle accident, contact Scott, a Cleveland bicycle accident attorney and cyclist, for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation and case evaluation. Call 440-607-5228 or send an email inquiry for information and guidance.
For more information, review the articles below that were authored by Scott: