Driving under the influence of marijuana is a serious offense that can have significant legal consequences. Ohio recognizes four distinct types of marijuana-related Operating a Vehicle under the Influence (OVI) charges.
Types of marijuana OVI/DUI charges in Ohio
Ohio law categorizes marijuana OVI offenses based on the driver’s condition and the chemical content found in their system. Here are the four types:
- Operating a vehicle under the influence of marijuana: This charge is generally based on observable impairment or if the driver fails a field sobriety test, indicating marijuana impairment.
- Operating a vehicle with a prohibited concentration of marijuana: This involves driving with a blood or urine concentration of marijuana above the legally defined limit.
- Operating a vehicle with a prohibited concentration of marijuana metabolite: This charge applies when a driver has marijuana metabolites in their system exceeding state limits, regardless of actual impairment.
- Operating a vehicle with a prohibited concentration of marijuana metabolite and while under the influence: This combines both the presence of high levels of marijuana metabolites and observable signs of impairment.
Each category is treated differently under the law, with varying degrees of severity and consequences.
Legal implications of marijuana OVI charges
Consequences of each type of marijuana OVI vary depending on the details of the case. Immediate effects generally include arrest, vehicle impoundment, and temporary loss of driving privileges. Long-term consequences can include fines, mandatory drug treatment programs, increased insurance rates, and possible jail time.
Ohio’s approach to drugged driving aims to reduce road accidents and ensure public safety. Although a noble goal, false allegations are not uncommon. Whether the result of a misunderstanding or mistake, it is important that those who face these charges move forward carefully. Defenses are available and a strategy tailored to your specific case can help to reduce or even eliminate the charges.